The do’s and don’ts of providing self check-in

1. Offer a Simple Access Solution

  • Lockboxes: These storage devices for keys are cost-effective and straightforward. Guests can manually enter a code to retrieve a physical key. You can discreetly place the lockbox or install it on a door or wall, changing the code between stays.
  • Smart Locks: Sync your smart lock using third-party software apps. Guests, like those in Brunswick, Germany, can automatically receive an email with a code and authorization for the duration of their stay.
  • Keypads: Implementing keypads provides a code-based entry system, eliminating the need for physical keys. This option is convenient and allows for easy code changes between guests.

2. Set Up Clear Instructions

  • Clearly communicate the self-check-in process to your guests. Provide step-by-step instructions on how to access the property, retrieve keys, or use entry codes. Clarity enhances the guest experience and reduces the likelihood of confusion.

3. Create a Secure Process

  • Prioritize security by ensuring each guest receives a unique access code. Some hosts opt to use the last four digits of a guest’s phone number, striking a balance between security and memorability.

4. Update Your Arrival Guide

  • Once your self check-in system is in place, communicate this to all your guests once a booking in made.

The Don’ts of Self Check-In

1. Neglecting Clear Instructions

  • Avoid vague or incomplete instructions. Guests should have all the information they need to successfully check-in without confusion.

2. Compromising on Security

  • Never compromise on the security of your guests. Avoid using generic codes, and ensure each guest has a unique and personalized access code.

3. Ignoring Regular Code Changes

  • Regularly update access codes between stays to enhance security. Using the same code for multiple guests increases the risk of unauthorized access.

4. Forgetting to Update Information

  • If you make changes to your self-check-in process, promptly update this information to avoid any discrepancies.

Embracing self-check-in on HostRooster is a strategic move to make your space more appealing to the modern traveler. By following these do’s and don’ts, you can create a seamless and secure self-check-in experience for your guests. Stay ahead of the curve and enhance your hosting capabilities by providing the convenience and security that today’s travelers seek.

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